
I'm back. It's impossible to keep wifi connected on this old peice of junk, I guess I know why it was in the trash... All well better than nothing.

Well my adventures have continued at a fast, non faultering, clobering pace. People and monsters alike are after me and it's not safe for me to tell you where I am but let's just say it's a beautiful, amazing town full or lights and drunks. Infact I'm not sure whitch there's more of, drunks or lights decorating the buildings. XD

Uhm. About my adventures... It's been horribly odd and dangerous. I wonder what it's like to live  normal life in one spot? I guess running is better than living in a room of white walls with needles being poking you every few moments to get information, people pressing their noses against the glass to watch you and see how you deal with exsperiments.

Hello again


Right. I'm able to tell you more, but please remimber, this is dangerous for both you and me...

They call me Raven, cause thats what I am. I'm a human-anvid genedic exsperement. A success and failure. A fallen warrior and broken toy. An exscaped convict and criminal on the run.

Today I saw another. Somone else like me, an exsperement on the run. though I know he didn't see me... he was blind...
I saw him in the ally I'd been using to exscape from cops. To be honest, I tripped over him. But he didn't seem to care. He stared up at me, the burn marks across his empty sightless eyes blaring out in the darkness of the ally, the soft milky color in his eyes reveling his hard times. He didn't say anything to me so I have no clue if he was deaf or mute but I did tell him sorry before he flew off into the dark night sky. Unlike me, he couldn't hide his differences... he couldn't pretend to see. and he couldn't hide his brillently colored feathers, They flowed from his back and hair like some weird feathery fountain... he was both amazing and odd... I wish I hadn't been in such a hurry and could've talked to him but... well... the cops were closing in and I needed to take off, litteraly.

I'm having problums finding the right people to tell about the goverment's exsperiments... and some new evedence says the goverment doesn't know, just some people with money and the scientests doing this.

I have more to tell but unforchinatly I don't have the time, I NEED to go. until next time. and remimber, you can ask me anything.

Starting my blog

Your lovely Roo, here to remind you that this is a FAKE blog and NONE of it is real. No country is spesified because this is FAKE and NO real people are spesified either, all names and people are genaric. 

I thought ya'll should know what you're getting into... reading these blogs. So. Here it is, as best as I can tell you at the moment.

My name is Raven, I am a teenage girl. Never knew my parents and as far as I know, Raven is not even my real name but my exsperiment's name. Thats right, I am an exsperiment, develept for, and by, the goverment. You love the country until you see it's underside. Darker and lower than a snake, full of secerets and lies.

Right now I'm on the run, I finally broke out of the cage I was in and I don't plan on going back. I dout I'd be brought back there to that spot anyways, it's all ash and chard wood, but hey, I bet even the scientists that survived would have to agree the chemicals in the fire made the show pritty... though I wouldn't breath in the gases if I were you.

All this time the scientist knew what I could do but I didn't, I exsperimented... Turns out I'm stronger than my captors, heal faster, run a little fast, not much, and I eat alot, my bones are lighter but stronger and even though I do eat more when I eat, I can also live longer than a human without eating, IF I store my energy right.

Another thing I found out is I know how to shoot any gun, and that it didn't scare my, what scares me is how good my aim is. Hehe, I also found out how great a video game player I am, Puzzle games, Exsplore Games, fighting, you name it I can play it.

Uhm I'm not sure how to end this post, just becareful reading my stuff...
Love Ya'll tell me what you think of this and what I need to change...